It’s damn cold, I’m bogged down, then some gamergate

Let me do some drive-by blogging instead of a normal update:

Go Full Gorilla. My answer: My own self, apparently.

An ugly gun. Put me down as a no.

Single Mom’s Ministry. I must have missed the part of the Bible that was solely aimed at single moms, and can’t be taught in just… any… ministry.

7 Ways to Boost Your Testosterone Without TRT. Getting back to a balance is really important because testosterone does a lot for you.

Now, really quickly, let me talk to you about gamergate (said in the same tone as “let me talk to you about Jesus”).

– If you are opposed to people who play video games, then you really have no business being in the games industry. This should go without saying.
– If you are opposed to standards and ethics in video game journalism, or any journalism, you have no business being any sort of journalist.
– If you are opposed to women playing or making video games solely based on their gender, then you’re an idiot.
– If you want to make video games with a political or social bent to them, fine. But you can’t make anyone play your video game.
– I repeat that last one: You cannot make someone play any video game. The. End.