Doubling Down: Obama’s Blue Collar Racism Smear

From the desk of a bitter, typical white person.

Goofy, Smiling Elitist

Goofy, Smiling Elitist

Many moons ago, Obama maliciously attacked his grandmother as a racist and referred to her racist behavior as that of a “typical white person.” This racist categorization of his grandmother was meant to explain that most white people are somehow prejudiced against black people but really came across as a tone-deaf bit of nonsense from the most racially divisive prick to ever sit in the White House. Around the same time he also referred to middle- and lower-class people bitterly clinging to their guns and religion, characterizing his opponents as utilizing their bitter support. This week he doubled down on that claim by attacking blue collar supporters of Donald Trump.

While I have warmed to Mister Trump and believe he’s a better alternative than a Democrat or cuckservative, he’s not my guy yet. I’m also not blue collar, though my family has been blue collar for generations. It is perhaps an accident of fate that I wore a blue shirt with a collar to work today, but that’s neither here nor there. Obama claims that Trump is playing on their fears and their racism. They being this horrible group of tax-payers that he has so frequently maligned.

This ignores the support Trump garners among minorities and women. He singles out men, specifically, who expect to raise a family with a single income. But this disdain is actually sourced in Obama’s elitist attitude toward the middle of the country (both economically and geographically). Politically the middle, too, if we’re being fair. Most of these people aren’t attached to a wing of the political machine.

But if we’re also being fair, the politicians on both sides deride and dislike the group of people Obama is laying into. The Democrats dislike them but have enjoyed fooling them for years with union support. Millions of union voters have voted against their best interests and against many things they believe in because the Democrats have painted the Republicans as anti-union. Well, this is mostly the truth: the Establishment GOP loves them some big business owner but despises the people working for it.

The Devil: A hard worker with a family who doesn't buy into their bullshit.

The Devil: A hard worker with a family who doesn’t buy into their bullshit.

However, the Democrat Establishment despises the people working for the businesses, as well. They just like them some big union leader. See how that works? Same middle/lower class workers being spit on, different rich fat-cat being courted.

The American working class has watched the promise of America get washed away by decade after decade of poor policy. The Democrats have spent the better part of the last decade focused on social issues for an extreme minority of the populace. This eroded their popular support among most American workers. It isn’t that they stand for gay marriage and gay rights so much as the ruthless focus on them to the exclusion of other important issues. These people just want to live their lives and work and be left alone, but they’ve also watched the Democrats meddle with their healthcare, making a bad situation worse, and attempt to eradicate their access to guns.

“But no one is trying to take your guns,” says the Talking Head. That lie worked for a while until the Democrats spent the last six years working furiously to ban the most popular gun in the country. If you don’t want to “take our guns” why are you morons trying to get rid of the one more people have than any other?

Don't talk to me, commoner.

Don’t talk to me, commoner.

This resulted in a shift right for the country. But the blue collar workers see that the Republicans don’t much care for them, either. They see the Republicans pushing for war after war, sending their kids to die with no clear path to victory, no plan, and no will to actually win the fight. This is why Russian President Vladimir Putin has something of a following, or at least a grudging respect, among the worker bees around the country. They see a man who, despite leading our “enemy”, is out to win and do what is best for his people.

The Republicans have also caved on issue after issue. They haven’t stood firm on anything, and when one of them did and made the government shut down… the Establishment turned against him. Ted Cruz was vilified for doing his best to stop Obamacare from being funded and the Republicans didn’t have his back. The media piling on was expected, but for other Republicans to do it? Yikes.

Then, they see both parties cozy up to the banks and the ultra-rich.

Even if people aren’t in full agreement with Trump they see that the establishments of both parties and the media dislike him. That is worth a few dozen points in the polls all by itself. But then they also see a man out there never apologizing, standing by what he says and thinks. That is a winning combination in America. Ted Cruz is similar, and is emulating that to great success.

When the Senate Majority leader lies to the American people and Ted Cruz goes on the Senate floor to call McConnell a liar that polls well. People are sick of being lied to, sick of being told one thing and seeing the politicians do another — always for the benefit of someone that already has it made.

Critics will of course call this populism, or class envy. But it isn’t. Blue collar workers don’t want to take from the rich and give to the middle or the lower. They just want the playing field to be fair, for the government to not extend benefits to one group but not another. The government should look at everyone as an equal because anything else is a rigged system.

If that’s populism, then I’m a populist.

In this case, Santa is the political elite.

In this case, Santa is the political elite.

What else is it when the bankers get a bail out, but the people get nothing, if not a biased system? The ultra-rich are bending the government to do their will, to advantage them over the majority of Americans without the standing to get laws passed by congress. Using the government to make the rich richer and the citizens poorer isn’t liberal, it isn’t conservative. It isn’t left or right, but simply cheating and greed. It is one of the seven deadly sins.

These aren’t people asking for a hand out, or even a hand up — they’re just asking if you would please stop squeezing their balls in the vise of bureaucracy. That’s all, thanks.

The big implication, too, is this bullshit idea that white men are some toxic force out there making the country worse. Salon wrote a bit about how white men are “killing us.” This is absurd rhetoric, and possibly dangerous. I won’t even quote the article, I won’t link to it, but the craziest of the crazy buy that sort of mess and believe it and they should probably all be tested for mental illness because those are the sort of people that end up shooting up a classroom. The Elliot Rodgers of the world blaming everyone else for their problems.

If most white men were sexist, racist pricks then this country would look a lot different. If most white men were as violent and dangerous ad we’re told, then this country would look a lot different.

White men are a huge portion of the country and if even a large minority of them were insane lunatics the country wouldn’t exist. Most people are generally sane, nice people. But white men are this caricature, this punching bag for the left. Then these same fuckers wonder why Donald Trump is popular among white men?

Because he’s not shitting on us!

For the love of God. I do my job to the best of my ability, I pay taxes, I keep to myself a lot. I try to drive safely and politely, I don’t kill people, I don’t commit crimes. I am polite to everyone until they give me a reason not to be, and I’m not racist, sexist, or any sort of *phobic. I just want to do my job and be left alone. Yet every day there’s a media piece or a politician attacking me.

No, thank you.

I’m not a bitter clinger. I just believe in the dream of America, in the constitution. I just want to see the next generation have it better than this one, I want humanity and Western Civilization to move forward toward a more perfect society. Because I recognize that a significant majority of the largest religious group on the planet wants to stop all that I am racist?

Religions aren’t race!

So now it’s Islamophobic. But that’s the same bullshit again: any time a man (especially a white man) disagrees with the narrative he is afraid or hateful. I live in a place that is very unlikely to be attacked by terrorists and my work place is unlikely to experience a mass shooting. There is no fear here, for me, because I am generally safe. There is no hate. It is, in fact, an act of love: Love for our civilization and the people that want to share in it, love for our history and a desire to keep our historical landmarks and monuments from being destroyed.

We love the nation and will defend it. That’s what scares those who want to destroy it. Make no mistake: Obama does want to destroy our civilization, even if he thinks he’s saving it. Instead of removing tumors this clown wants to decapitate the patient.

No, thank you, and keep the change.

Artists rendition of my reaction to elitist pricks.

Artists rendition of my reaction to elitist pricks.

  • Constantine

    Am I reading this right? Yes I am reading this right. This is without doubt the worst case of playing hoiler than thou I have ever seen.

    Trump “never brought up [Obama’s] race”, yet he was obsessed with having the President release his full birth certificate to prove that he was born in America? What was the point in all of that? Can you recognize the difference between “some voters” and “Donald Trump”? Do you deny that some voters are reacting to the President’s race? Trump has brought up Obama’s race plenty of times.

    It IS because of race, ans your disgusting comments prove that. You ARE a racist, you ARE a bigot, and you ARE a black-hating extremist scumbag that hates being called what you are. Poor dumbass white racist just hate to see a black man pointing out the obvious. conservative comments are always racist, homophobic, xenophobic……Trump is a hypocritical racist, bigot, homophobic, and as of today, a freaking sexist scumbag. and so are his supporters.

    I’m not the one on here that’s disparaging the leader of my nation simply because I am a racist or bigot . The failing doesn’t lie with me , but you . He had nothing to do with the timing of this event , but I stillness back him as a fellow American . In time of war you could be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy . You are not an American .

    The American right has got itself in a tizzy since Obama was elected. They decided from day one that they didn’t like him no matter what he did. Since then they have been throwing every scary word they can find at him: Communist, atheist, Muslim, fascist, dictator, etc.

    Their supporters, not the most cerebral of people, don’t tend to realize that you can’t impeach someone just because you don’t like their politics and use scary words to describe them

    President Obama isn’t destroying America. Congress has no reason to impeach him and good riddance to bad rubbish.

    President Obama isn’t a Communst, you’re just a racist.
    President Obama isn’t a Marxist, you’re just a racist.
    President Obama isn’t a Traitor, you’re just a racist.
    President Obama isn’t a Terrorist, you’re just a racist.
    President Obama isn’t a Muslim, you’re just a racist.
    President Obama isn’t evil, you’re just a racist.

    Why does Obama hate America? – He doesn’t, you just disagree with his view of how this country/world should be like. Poor dumbass white racist just hate to see a black man pointing out the obvious.

    As always, Calling the POTUS a POS and a fraud seems to the usual calling call for you right-wing racists and bigots like you!

    • Given the extreme disconnect in what I said, and what you appear to be replying to, I am not sure where to start.

      You clearly didn’t read any of this post. What you are alleging does not appear in my post. I am critical of both parties and how they handle the working class. My loyalty is to the people, not rich politicians.

      Among other ridiculous assertions, the word “fraud” doesn’t even appear in my post. Either you are copying and pasting a standard bullshit reply, or you are projecting based on the statements of others. Perhaps a remedial course in reading comprehension would help?

      You sure showed me, ignorant child.

      P.S. Where was all the concern for going after people who criticize the president (you said, ” In time of war you could be prosecuted for giving aid and comfort to the enemy”) between 2001 and January of 2009? Oh, right – he was a white guy, you racists didn’t care then.

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